Saturday, January 15, 2011

Managing Blogs ...

Ha! Ha!  Managing blog(s) plural?  What a riot.
It is quite clear that I cannot manage one.  I have such great intentions and high expectations, and, although I have not failed miserably, I have certainly not delivered.
I am mentally writing up a storm and have put nothing in print.
I have read two books and written about none.
I am watching less mindless television and have not cleared the auto recording on the PVR, so it still beckons.
What on earth am I doing instead?
Well, reading the Globe and Mail now takes way more time because with this Globe2Go thing the whole issue gets downloaded and I feel obliged to read it start to finish.  Interesting, however, as I am reading about business and technology and other bits and pieces that I didn't bother with before.
My Lord and Master enjoys 3 squares a day.
We try to either ski, snowshoe or take decent walk every day and I practice yoga and/or tai chi as well.
I like to keep up with my emails - a lady likes to keep up with her correspondence.
We are in the middle of switching from prohibitively expensive satellite dish internet service to a Rogers Rocket Hub - lots of discussion and number crunching and wringing of hands for this change.
Late last year I switched to MAC - and I went in over my head with an iPad, iPod Touch and MacBook Pro Netbook - I try to watch an internet tutorial every other day or so to learn something new. I'm having a ball and love the MAC.
Yesterday I had a mammogram and had to stress over that all week long - mainly because I did not want to forget the appointment.
So, I am not lying around in my fuzzy slippers eating chocolate covered cherries - although My Lord and Master insists on more carbs (he sulks when I don't eat with him) than I am used to and the ski pants are groaning again.
I must manage my time more efficiently.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Second Day of the New Year

I am trying to set this thing up properly and have noted 2 things:
1) At the bottom of my first post, after I say that it's past my bedtime, it says that I posted at 6:46 pm or something like that.  I can assure you that it was 9:46 pm!
2) I am working on my profile and have bogged down completely at "My Interests." I like to think that I am an interesting person and wonder why I have no interests of note. Perhaps I am a bore and no one has told me ... ?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gotta Get on This - It's a New Year

I've been watching my daughter from not very afar and she's right into all this blogging and networking and is just generally up-to-date with it all.

I am not.

In fact, the whole thing makes me very nervous.

So, here I am: 2011 and the New Year and my NY's RESOLUTION ...

Write what I think.

I am not sure what makes people/us? think that other people are searching the net desperate to read our inner most thoughts; however, I'm going to give it a go.

Of course, maybe no one will read this and so what - I'll carry on if for no other reason than catharsis!

If this be so, then I will publicly commit to my second NY RESOLUTION ...

Read. Stop watching mindless television and read instead.

This is going to be really, really tough.  I watch and record and now have even app'd so that I can keep up with housewives, the staged lives of rock stars, the addicted, the afflicted, the sisters, brothers, and for some unknown reason any real estate; you name it I watch it - without a thought in my mind.  I may have to reflect on this later.  For now it's STOP, or at least try to.

We shall see.

To start myself off for some decent reading I have written up the Bestsellers List 2010 (25 fiction and non fiction - hard and soft bound) from today's Globe and Mail.  I was hoping to attach it here but I don't know how.  I had to copy the whole damn thing out myself on Word as I could not figure out how to copy and paste from the iPad or the eedition or the website no matter what I tried. Really annoying and NY Resolution #2 was nearly a nonstarter right from the get go.

What I really cannot believe just now is how quickly the time has gone by.  I woke up full of vim and vigour this morning and already January the 1st is virtually over and I nearly didn't even get to the post.

And it's past my bedtime ...