My friend Cathy (she who putts 51) and her husband came for dinner last night and told us about an interview on CBC Radio with a remarkable athlete: Monique van der Vorst.
WOW! What a fabulous woman. This is really what it's all about ...
"She was 13 when a simple operation went inexplicably wrong and she found herself unable to walk. But Monique Van de Vorst concentrated on what she could do becoming a paralympic athlete, excelling at handcycling. Still she was beset by random events that injured her further, she was hit by a car, then hit by a bike and then one day she experienced some feeling in her feet and 12 years after being paralyzed, she was re-learning to walk.
Now, she's training with an elite women's cycling team, and plans on being in Rio de Janiero for the 2016 Olympics. Doctors have no explanation for the reversal of Monique's paralysis. And she doesn't get it either." CBC Radio Interview
We have been breaking records right and left with WAY ABOVE average temperatures which is no good to anyone who wants winter proper. Himself arrived and wondered if he ever left Scotland as it has been grey, rainy and generally lousy all round.
Last night we got 10" and it is still snowing (on unfrozen ground mind you but who cares?)
I've been taking in the bird food at night as the night time marauders (racoons) have been around and they destroy the feeders. So, I got everything set up and was immediately rewarded:
And then in came a thief!
What's wrong with this picture?
So, the question remains: Will we have a white Christmas?
My friend Wendy and I had an overnight in Orillia (about an house and a half west of here) at Casino Rama. We had a lovely 'suite' complete with fireplace and a delicious meal at "Cedar" one of 10 restaurants.
Of course we gambled. We set the limit at $20 (high rollers?) for the slots (one armed bandits) and in we went to the casino proper. We were very surprised to see the slots patrons sitting and pressing buttons - the pulling of the arm is so not cool - although it is there at the side. AND no coins! Everything is done with credit notes or plastic cards attached to a coil for the well heeled ... if one did win, the bells and whistles were the same and there was an added sound bite of change falling into the machine - not quite like the good ole days!
I lost my $20 in pretty short order. Wendy walked out with $36.20 in her pocket. I'm such a loser.
The point and the highlight of the whole adventure was to see a live performance of 'Celtic Woman'. I love them and it was thrilling to see them. The auditorium seats 5,000 and they filled up every corner with their beautiful voices. Absolutely fabulous.
David Downes, the musical director, played the piano accompanied by the Rama Symphony Orchestra.
Mairead brings her violin to life with passion, fun and a twinkle in her eye. She puts everything she has into every performance. The Rama stage may have been to small for her and she appeared to be holding back from her usual energetic runs and leaps.
Lisa, Chloe and Lisa have the voices of angels.
We had a great time and I am so pleased to have been able to go and appreciate the gift of song, beauty and warmth of 'Celtic Woman.'
Chloe sang "Ave Maria." She is magnificent and brought the house down.
If 'Celtic Woman' is ever performing near you - GO!
Although this clip of Chloe singing "Ave Maria" is not from our performance, it is amazing: