My mother had a self explanatory phrase: "I must have taken my stupid pills today."
Well, indeed someone must have snuck a handful of them into my morning's oj that's for sure: nothing was where it 'should' have been; countless trips upstairs, downstairs and into rooms wondering why I was there; lost glasses on head; went to the supermarket for soup and arrived home with none after having lost the car in the supermarket parking lot, and finally I got in the car on the wrong side - but I can (just) be forgiven that one.
So, what's that all about? I used to multi task with ease and now I must focus exclusively on the task at hand; for example, while getting dressed in the morning, I cannot stray and consider the day ahead. If I do think about something else, I could stand indefinitely in front of the closet ... We are so not amused.
So, what's in the box?
It was a great box: Christmas in June...
AgaRangemaster came through and sent me a lovely box of goodies. Now, I feel much better about the new cooker not quite fitting where the old cooker was. (See drama recap in May "Out with the Old ...") No mention of the second tea towel and the cook book, but never mind, they may come along later.
Thank you, AgaRangemaster!
We've named the cooker 'Enterprise' (as in Starship). It's absolutely fabulous - nearly as good as having an Aga, and as you can see, the modified install works and looks just fine.
Yay!! Nice score!