We hunkered down through a horrific wind /snow/rain storm that was relentless all night Friday and right through Saturday - even closing down local ski areas, including us, on Saturday.
Today, it's -14C just now so I think I'll wait and write about some things on my mind before venturing outside:
When we were away in Vail there was an article in ‘USA Today’ lamenting the loss of handwriting today.
There will be no (or at least few) love letters, no diaries, no old special cards, no interesting stories and memories with the personal touch of the hand written word. What a loss. A loss for us and for future generations.
Will they download our blogs? And by the way, what about all our photos on hard drives.
Can you imagine us rocking on the porch with our laptops on top of the knitted blankets, trying to make the correct key stroke with gnarly fingers …?
Last week, I was reading about this generation’s over use of texting and the like which seems to be resulting in the restricted use of proper English. Short forms, abbreviations, codes. Vocabulary is diminished and the ability to explain and converse is rapidly disappearing. It’s so much easier to text the person sitting next to you! What?
On Friday, I had a short and pleasant conversation with a Nice Young Man who has his boot locker near mine. This is how it began:
Me: “Hi! Are you playing hookey today?”
Nice Young Man: “No, I don’t play hockey.”
Me, giggling: “Oh, no, I mean hookey.”
Nice Young Man: “What does hookey mean?”
I went on and explained.
Nice Young Man: “Oh, no, I’m not playing hookey today. I am still at university and this is my Reading Week.”
Here’s a recent photo that I took. This sort of thing really bugs me - yes, I am intolerant; please remember that I am living out of
my comfort zone :
Excellent Lenten promise for this year:
“I am giving up confidence in my government.”
Now, I must go and shovel the deck as there have been some complaints noted: