Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer in Scotland

Yes, Viriginia, Scotland does have a summer and it's on right now.

The last week has been absolutely indescribably delicious.

Himself had to go down to the flat last night as he has a car service today so I awoke alone to a picture postcard perfect morning.

I have tons of household maintenance stuff on the go as the Skipper would like to head out on Chardonnay tomorrow - for a week or so weather permitting.

However, this morning is too perfect. I made my coffee and went up to the gazebo (first time this year! although we have had cocktails up there).

Here's my view:

And close up:

Sorry about our dead palm tree in the foreground.  We are really sad about this.  2 harsh winters + the big May gale and it has packed up.  Lots of trees are feeling the same way along the northern west coast and some areas look awful.  The horticulturalists are advising to wait until next spring to see what comes back.  We are looking into a new palm.

Here's the gazebo:

So, yes, this morning I stopped, and gave thanks for all this.

And that is what it's all about.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Cruise 2011 - Part III Askernish Golf

The Skipper (aka Himself) made it a priority to get to Askernish (South Uist) to visit and play a round. We each slept with our clubs on board Chardonnay and I must say that I am very sorry not to have a photo of the rubber dinghy loaded up with us and the clubs and the shoes ... Loading up at the mooring and unloading at the fishing boat slip way ... use your imagination!

Sheep have priority:

We had a super day.  The machair (extremely fertile and low lying plains) was in full bloom.  Note to self: next time bring orange balls as the other colours disappear!

The ball was there ... somewhere ... and still is:

The 20 mile long beach is just steps away:

This hole is called 'Barra View'.  Barra is visible in the distance on the right:

Very pretty forward tees:

No lie (pun intended).  We did NOT place the ball there.  It went of its own accord.  Seriously mutant rabbits here and Rule 25 - 1 was applied:

We were accompanied throughout our round by corncrakes and skylarks ... nearly made us crazy.

Corncrakes are very shy and one is very lucky to see one.  We didn't see any but we sure did hear them.  They sound like this (and they go on and on):

The skylark hovers way up above and sings away: 

It was a great day all round.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Cruise 2011 - Part II Wildlife

Wildlife: We were so blessed on this trip.  We saw a Minke whale twice (obviously the same one!), and on another occasion 3 Orca whales quietly passing by. Of course, I have no photos as the time was short and we just wanted to enjoy them.

Here are some shots that I did take ...


Quite a few White Swans, lots of Gannets diving and of course Seagulls.  We take them for granted so I include a photo!

My personal favourite are Puffins.  We motored very slowly through Puffin Central in the Shiant Islands just off the east coast of Lewis.  It was awesome:

Seals are all over the place. They are hard to see against the rocks!

I forgot to add this shot from our last trip; 2 sea eagles!

These guys are not wild, but they looked so nice in the basket; all ready to go to work on Eigg (notice the shepherd's crook in the sleeve):

AND Dolphins.  At one point between East Loch Tarbert, Harris and North Harbour,  Scalpay we were virtually surrounded, and they stayed with us for nearly half an hour.  

Unfortunately, YouTube won't upload my best video and I apologize in advance for all the shaking - but it was very exciting!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Cruise 2011 - Part I

It was an amazing 21 days at sea. We went north and around Skye and then right over to the Outer Hebrides: Loch Shell is 14 miles south of Stornoway, Lewis.  After bopping down the Western Isles we crossed back towards Canna and home. Chardonnay sailed like a dream, the weather kept her super powers at bay, and there are many adventures to share.

Part I

Where we went (for those who follow):  Loch na Droma Buidhe, Arisaig, Isle Oronsay (Skye), Plockton, Portree (Skye), Badachro in Loch Gairloch, Loch Shell (Lewis), East Loch Tarbert (Harris), Isle of Scalpay, Loch Eport (North Uist), The Wizard Pool in Loch Skiport (South Uist), Loch Boisdale (South Uist), Isle of Canna, Loch Moidart (back on the mainland), Isle of Eigg, Loch Aline and then back to the marina at Dunstaffnage.

Here are my favourite photos:

Loch na Drom Buidhe (aka Loch Drumbuie) is one of our favourite anchorages.  The Royal Highland Yacht Club met here for a BBQ and then some carried on for the Cruise in Company.

This sign on the way to Arisaig always makes me laugh:

Chardonnay on a mooring at the Duisdale Hotel, Isle Oronsay with the hills of the mainland in the background:

Plockton is very picturesque. It's seriously far north, but the North Atlantic Drift keeps the climate temperate (note the palm trees!) :

Some people go to a great deal of trouble with their gardens on the cliffside ... 

Potted flowers in the hedge ... unique!

Ross and I had fun on Canada Day:

The anchorage in Loch Shell was beautiful.  14 yachts made it. We had a meal ashore and lovely entertainment:

Doesn't Chardonnay look beautiful all dressed up?

We always get water wherever we can.  It was quite the surprise to see this hose running from a burn over the rocks at the top of Loch Moidart:

We met up with Keith and Mary on Altaria. They are leaving Loch Moidart; the Scour of Eigg and then Rhum are in the background:

The cattle are enjoying the warmth still in the sand and looking at Highland Spirit, a super yacht:

On this calm evening at our anchorage on Eigg we could easily see Ardnamurchan Point (the most western point of mainland Britain) 9 miles away:

This lovely Tall Ship, Pelican of London,  passed by on its way to Lerwick, Shetland:

Our last night on board. Cocktails in the cockpit in Loch Aline (my favourite part of sailing):

Altaria enjoys a boisterous sail home: